Friday, September 3, 2010

Tea, tea, tea...
I have issues with facades...somethings seeming too good to be true...I'm not sure...may just be paranoia...and yet...I detect hints of...


No need to judge on my part, just pray.
What more can you do to help someone who doesn't want help?
Or may not even need it.

That is the funny thing about being never get the full picture of anything.
"Many strangers have I met
On the road to my regret
Many lost who seek to find themselves in me
They ask me to reveal
The very thoughts they would conceal
Love rescue me

And the sun in the sky makes a shadow of you and I
Stretching out as the sun sinks in the sea
I'm here without a name in the palace of my shame
Love rescue me

In the cold mirror of a glass
I see my reflection pass
I see the dark shades of what I used to be
I see the purple of her eyes
The scarlet of my lies
Love rescue me

And the sun in the sky makes a shadow of you and I
Stretching out as the sun sinks in the sea
I'm hanging on by my thumbs
I'm ready for whatever comes
Love rescue me

Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow
Yet I will fear no evil
I have cursed they rod and staff
They no longer comfort me
Love rescue me

I've conquered my past
The future is here at last
I stand at the entrance
To a new world I can see
The ruins to the right of me
Will soon have lost sight of me
Love rescue me"

Psalm 123

"I lift my eyes to you,
O God, enthroned in heaven.
We keep looking to the Lord our God for his mercy,
just as servants keep their eyes on their master,
as a slave girl watches her mistress for the slightest signal.
Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy,
for we have had our fill of contempt.
We have had more than our fill of the scoffing of the proud
and the contempt of the arrogant."
-Psalm 123:1-4

Mercy...such beauty, such wonder after a lifetime of trying to find perfection that can never be. I am so sick of trying to find something that isn't there...trying to beat myself to find a life that isn't there...and the bitterness and anger that comes from being disappointed with everything and nothing.

Can I let go?
I can I just let everything go?
Fall, fall into your arms and forget every pain and sin I have ever felt?

It is a new day, a new life, a new everything...and I just want to go back to sleep. Can that be my worship for now? Just enjoying another hour or two of sleep because I feel like crap?

I love you Daddy, I love you so much.
You are amazing and so beautiful to me.
I never know what will happens but even when horrible, horrible stuff happens you love me...and I can never thank you enough, worship or praise you enough.
Thank you.

Thank you for loving me as I am, not what I should be.

Random Explosion of Thoughts and Exuberant Gratefulness

Life can never be as simple as a story or song...sadly in ways...
However there is something infinitely more wonderful about how messy, screwed up and disgusting as humans finding redemption and being able to make even the simplest things work.

Playing games.
Talking about books over coffee.

I never have stopped to appreciate just how amazing it is to be able to work on homework together and laugh over small things.

Yes I am excessively negative because I look at the wrong things a lot of the time...I see the imperfections and what things COULD be...which is maddening...and will never lead to happiness...however friendships where people are allowed to not have everything together...that is something I would like to see.

In fact...the Society of Scapegoats should have something like that in it's manifesto. Perfection is not allowed in our meetings, activities or friendships...perfect people are banned and will be set on fire if they persist in coming.

There is nothing perfect in human existence...and the fact God not only desires us, but thinks of us, longs for us to be near in spite of that shows what an utter madman he is. He doesn't desire even the wicked to perish...even the worst of us...and how Jesus had true is amazing, beyond amazing...just this visceral love...this painful love that makes my heart ache...and desire to just hug Jesus and cry out every last ounce of anguish joy inside of me.

I think I love U2's music so much because the songs capture emotion or a moment so well...this element of worship that transcends and makes my Christian mystic/hermit tendencies all happy, warm and fuzzy inside...

I don't even know what I am rambling about...except I am happy to be alive this very moment. I could have died any infinite number of times...and I love my mother, my friends, my dear sweet friends so very much...they are this collection of rag tag individuals all misfits from the church but all amazing in their own ways.

Who says we must be perfect?
Who demands it?
Humans demand it when God knows we can't do it?
How silly and futile.

Jesus thank you being so utterly wacky and insane to have made me and love me as I am. Do you know and realize how utterly screwed up that is? How insane and crazy I am? Do you?

Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Note to self: Stop trying to understand stuff while having a migraine.

Thank you.
Good things, bad things, good things, bad is a mixture and is never just one thing.

Confusion, growing migraine starting...hope.
Not hope in the immediate sense of things per say...although things are better...but hope that even though life never has resolutions...everything will resolve sooner rather than later...maybe not in this breath but possibly in the next.

Quote of the Day:

"I have a lot of faith. But I am also afraid a lot, and have no real certainty about anything...the opposite of faith is not doubt, but certainty. Certainty is missing the point entirely. Faith includes noticing the mess, the emptiness and discomfort, and letting it be there until some light returns."
— Anne Lamott

Thursday, September 2, 2010

"If anyone says ever being a Christian is easy, they are smoking crack."

BEST THING I have read all day.
Made me laugh until I hurt myself.
A good day...I just wish I wasn't in so much pain that I wanted to scream...
Oh how quickly doth our dreams become living nightmares...
So many little space for them...such curious things...manner of living, life...everything...

I feel as if I am setting myself up for more pain, more problems...but...

The door is here.
The decision must be made now.

Curiouser and curiouser...because...

What makes me happy?
Such a silly thought...

Daylight Fading into the Next

Today...was such a difficult but wonderful day.
Easily the best day I have had since summer break started and ended.

Just...I feel connected again...and even though I feel like death thawed out...I laughed, I smiled...I felt safe again...not judged. Even though I made such a mess out of things...and acted's beautiful to know that there is such thing as being able to try and move on...and learn.

Other things...I'm not so looking forward to...but I am just going to be me.
What else can I do?
I don't like everything about me...I don't like being sick or having depressed moments...but I refuse to pretend to be something I am least that is what I gather from's okay to be crazy, we're all broken and sometimes it's okay to just hug and drink juice.

What else can I do? Who else can I be?
I still don't understand so much...
But my mom was amazing today and helped me so much.
I rarely mention good things and am grateful on here...but she helped me.
She has been such a strong supporter even though I tend to forget to be more grateful and thankful for that love...I am, even when I am so caught up in myself I forget about people.

I've never gotten over my grandmother passing away...and so it can be hard for me to be open with people...because even though we live in the moment...I see them going...leaving...dying...and it's hard. I don't want to endure such loss...but what other choice do I have?

I don't want to be strong...I don't want to be the one acting as a pillar.
I just want to lay in your arms Daddy...just rest knowing you are so much bigger than everything love, my God, my savior, my much, so beautiful and amazing...thank you. For family, for friends, for joy, for pain, for the awkward moments and the best...

I want this to be the best year it can be.
One step.
Just one step at a time...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I laugh.
What else may I do in the face of such madness at this?
All of this foreknown and foresaw.
I laugh, laugh and laugh.
Oh such bitter madness.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Video Games Mimicking Life

I just finished the main campaign in Fallout 3. It took my a couple of years because of how lazy I am with playing games but I finally reached the end.

I always treat RPG's like I myself were the character and so all the major decision I make revolve around helping people, saving kittens in trees, defusing nuclear warheads instead of detonating them for profit and the like.

So I am all for biting the metaphorical bullet and shouldering the responsibility of all of humanity in game like I try to do in real life...but then tonight I just sort of had a "wtf?!?" moment at the end of the game. The main character is asked to sacrifice his life to restore hope and clean water to the wastelands and...I just sat there and said to the computer monitor, "Really? Really! I have to save everyone because they are too lazy or selfish to actually get off their collective butts and do something for once?"

It is quite possible that I am merely projecting all of my current frustrations, fear and confusion onto the poor game...but I just realized how I keep putting myself into this 'savior' role I was never meant to fill.

Sometimes I wish someone would just walk up to me and say "It's okay Matthew, sit this one out." and then they will take me by the hand and shoulder and lead me to a place to sit down because I normally will not stop until I have almost self destructed from trying to do everything by myself.

I don't know why I do this to myself...or why I feel guilty for just sitting in a room very quietly and trying to relax but I do. I don't respond very well to over stimulation and that is all that is going on.

I seriously just need to be able to relax...but I can't.
I feel obligated to do everything.
Fix everyone.
If I am not busy I am worried and if I am not worried I am worried about not being worried...and so on and so forth.

But I am eating a blueberry poptart.
I don't want to deal with life.
Or feeling like I am not wanted or needed.
Or the nagging feeling I am just a temporary fix.

Poptarts are nice.
If nothing else I can choose to smile.
And mean that.
And pray.
Still praying.
Praying without ceasing.
Even though my tongue and throat are hurting for some reason.
I just...

There is no point to writing's the same thing...the same broken and crying prayer from the past several years.

Please heal, make me whole, make me able to function and just be able to get on with life. I don't care about occupations, schools, marriage or having a family...I just want to be able to function in day to day life.

I used up all of the pain medication thinking I was going to actually be fixed...God...I feel so naive and stupid to think that. I just...don't know what to do.

I can't keep living like this...

Oh well.
People prefer a comedy to a tragedy.
Who doesn't enjoy being lied to about bad news?
I hate to be incessantly negative...but if I can't function because of being sick, what is the point?

Is the point to try anyway, just to see what happens and hope for the absolute best?

Pink Floyd's album "Wish You Were Here" has become the unofficial soundtrack to this period of my life...I sort of understand now why my dad liked them so much. There is this subtle nature to their music which grows on you...a bit why I like the more experimental parts of U2's catalog.

There, I wrote something, a statement which was not complaining or about me being sick.

The next step is to transition that idea to something a bit more everyday...such as weather, cats or maybe candy.

Wow...that is utterly random.

I wonder...
Change...directions...breathing, confusion...different ideas...different ideals...


Choices, choices, choices...

Truth...or lies?

Is there ever lying for a good reason?

Might would be best to just avoid that sort altogether.

Nerves, expressions,'s not real persay.
Electronic impulses are what you make of them...I think.
"How I wish, how I wish you were here."
Why was I stupid enough to actually think that mattered?
I feel like a quote out of context
Withholding the rest
So I can be free what you want to see
I got the gesture and sound
Got the timing down
It's uncanny, yeah, you think it was me
Do you think I should take a class
To lose my southern accent
Did I make me up, or make the face till it stuck
I do the best imitation of myself

Monday, August 30, 2010

Quote of the Day:

“Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: you don't give up.”
-Anne Lamott

Psalm 120

"How I suffer in far-off Meshech.
It pains me to live in distant Kedar.
I am tired of living
among people who hate peace.
I search for peace;
but when I speak of peace, they want war!"
-Psalm 120:5-7

I feel like I am in exile from myself.
I keep running, running to hold the place I am at...and then I realize I have no clue as to what I was doing or where I was going in the first place.

I can go on about how unfair this is...but you already know.
You never delight in our sufferings...Jesus is mentioned as being a man of many sorrows...and living amongst just brings comfort that you are a God that knows and cares about where we are, what we are doing and what will happen.

This isn't just some abstract philosophical love me, you desire me and even when I run away and hide so I can follow me and have your arms wide open to embrace me and love can my paltry thanks ever be enough?

I am a hypocrite and cause pain...but I want to change, I want to bring peace where I go, peace at any cost except for striking back...true lasting peace, not one instilled by fear or coercion...but the peace built out of your love for me and the love you have put inside this broken heart.

The love you put in this heart doesn't stay because of all the cracks and fractures...the love you pour into me seeps, leaks and at times gushes out from me...and I want it to be love, not bitterness, resentment or poison...there is too much evil already.

I want to be broken open like a vessel of perfume so that when I am finally destroyed it brings peace...not more grief or pain.
Please change me.
Guide me.
Love me.
I love you Daddy.
Salt in the wound.
Lemon juice on a cut.
Nails on a chalkboard.
Insult to injury.

Geez, would someone go ahead and just douse me in petrol and set me on fire already so I can be done with this?