Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Being profound is so hard.

Which is why I have to quote other people so freaking much.
"I feel like a quote out of context
with holding the rest
so I can be for you what you want to see

I got the gestures and sounds
got the timing down
it's uncanny, yeah, you'd think it was me

do you think I should take a class
to lose my southern accent
did i make me up
or make the face till it stuck
I do the best imitation of myself"
It may be the total lack of sleep for 52+ hours, the steady diet of caffeine, contributions from my stupid need to still bike 15 miles a day under this duress, the fact that I am mentally drained, emotionally fried, spiritually all over the place...but when I saw the guy in the mirror a minute ago I really had serious thoughts about punching him really good in the face.

By all rights I would say he has had it coming.

Quote of the day:

"Well, you don't get to be a Red Mage without knowing just ENOUGH about everything to be considered dangerous by most Federal standards."
-Red Mage, '8-Bit Theater'