Saturday, August 2, 2008

For Now and For Today

Sometimes I do not know the monster I can be.
I look but do not see.
I listen but do not hear.
So many flaws represented in a single breath.
Thy words do sting but easily flow,
unwind and bathe in pools of sincere regret.
But, it is to late because of sin.
Too late now and to late to see.
Good bye and goodnight.
For now and for today.

Day 2

"Serve the Lord with reverent fear, and rejoice with trembling."
-Psalm 2:11

Reverence and rejoicing and somewhere in between is supposed to be joy.

I'm afraid of trite words falling out of my mouth before I can get a hold of them but what I need is you. I do not need this fear of looking stupid, this prejudice against Christians, this self righteous foolishness and this pig headed belief that I am somehow better then my brethren and better then you.

Please forgive me for not having enough respect to fear you and your name. Your are a close and personal lover but one with an unrestrained passion and wild untamable strength.

Please remind me of how personal, how close you are but how awesome and amazing you are in our personal love and our walk together. Please forgive me for taking you for granted and betraying you with my life.

I love you, I need you more then I realize.
Thank you.