Friday, October 9, 2009

Readily Failed to Believe

I go there to the corner where the bridge and water is and look.

Just waiting for something to happen, a passing by of chance or maybe just a change in the weather.

Surely what I'm waiting for will come.
Even when I don't know what I am looking for.
But I know it is there.
Just outside my field of vision, just beyond imagination.
Touching hope, pictures of the past and praying things can change.

That the pain won't endure, that peace will overflow.
Maybe hope can spring eternal.
In Your Love, by it, for it and with it.
Because the pain is too much.
Let the rain fall while there is still time
before the end comes
and the pain is too vivid.
Let it wash away these stains,
the blood cleansing the scarlet
making all as pure as white snow
because only Love sprung from infinity,
forged in the eternity
can wash away the failure
of such an infinitesimal
broken machine as we.
Still doing my research...apparently this guy was the favorite to win the prize:

I found the BBC article on the actual news bit:

I'm still confuzzled...well so confused I had to dip back into the ground of nongrammer.

Maybe if I sleep again at some point I'll understand better.

I don't know.

I hate politics...the more I read the more cynical I become.
It's not like I want the guy to fail...I would love to have a politician or two I have respect for...or something.

It's nothing worth getting worked up over but it's just...odd to me.
So...maybe the human body...DOES need...sleep...

That would explain why I do not remember 95% of this week, my sudden drop in feelings betters, my agreeing to do some silly things, my sudden drop in writing (And drop in quality material mind you) and...and...I can't think.


Quote me on that.
So I tend to not jump the gun as much as I cause physics to work backwards and cause the gun to explode.


I'm sure there is application for reversible physics somewhere.

I also feel like I'm loosing something.

And there is a an unexpected windfall coming.

The very bad kind.
My research skills are a can't even save me now...

Obama + Peace Prize = Wtf?

What did he win it for?


I'm confused now.

Well, extra confused at least...

Quote of the day Two:

Red Mage - "Oh, we're falling out of the sky at an incredible rate!"
Black Mage - "Damn this bucket of bolts!"
Thief - There's not a single bolt in its frame. This is more one of your 'Chewing gum and prayer' flying ships.
Black Mage - I thought this thing was fixed!
Thief - We fortified it with the prayer!
Red Mage - What more do you want?!?

Quote of the day:

"When you gotta do something wrong, you gotta do it right!"
-Fighter, "8-bit Theater"