Monday, June 22, 2009

The Red Mage needs sleep...badly...

Solidarity, Bloodshed, and Iranian Tears of Rage

I just saw a stranger be shot and killed on the news.

A young Iranian lady.

For speaking her mind.

A part of me is infinitely filled with rage over such stupid and needless violence. What part of Hell does someone have to be filled with that they get their jollies by repressing, censoring and killing their own people?

I'm sick to my stomach with sympathy for the people in Iran.
They are standing for their rights just like the kids at Tiananmen Square did.
Like those who were a part of the solidarity movement in Poland.

Like most Americans I do not know a lot about Iranian politics and I'm trying to educate myself...and so I've been following blogs, twitter accounts and the news networks. There has been a rage bubbling and it is on the verge of exploding into something deadly. People are already dead and it seems one way or the other more blood will be spilled.

I can't endorse violence for any reason. The Jesus I follow teaches to turn the other cheek and to love your enemy to the point of death. It is not easy but fighting violence with violence only gives them fuel for their fires of evil.

I know someone somewhere is thinking "Gee Matthew, calm down. You can't do anything, just pray about it and do something else."

I cannot and will not just calm down.

This goes beyond something as simple principle, it goes beyond mere is the duty and responsibility of anyone claiming the title of Christian to scream at the top of their lungs when they see injustice like this.

Evil prevails only because we are too lazy, too scared and too apathetic to give a damn about anyone besides ourselves.

But this isn't about me, my anger issues, any attack on a group of is me throwing my voice in with a growing group of those exhausted of this duplicitous life.

I'm a Christian, some sort of slightly bearded vagabond minister with a lot of fears and failures under my belt. I feel one of my biggest problems (coincidentally shared with most every human being) is that of dealing with the monster of self. The part of our souls that demand instant gratification, that demands we take the front seat in the life boat of life, the hunger and desire to satisfy at the cost of others...this sick nature that the best title I've found is the "sinful nature" of man.

I hate religious cliches like the plague but that is the best label I have found for it and most important it that it is true. It's this nature that bogs me down with stupid things like games, music, caffeine, sugar, lust, impatience, pain killers and whatever else I can get myself addicted to. The race in the American life is to see who can numb out the fastest for the longest time.

If someone is actually serious about this whole Jesus thing then this is inexcusable. This apathy is what drives me absolutely insane about the American church...but at the end of the day I do the exact same thing. We're comfortably numb and are going to be held accountable for our inaction over so much social injustice.

There was a point in the New Testament when the religious scholars, their literary lawyers that knew the Law of Moses, met together to talk. These Law spewing egotists were upset because some ragtag uncertificated Rabbi by the name of Jesus was gathering a large following. From time to time these leaders would make some effort where they would try to trick Jesus into saying something blasphemous so they could stone Him on the spot.

The following quotation is from the middle of one of those debates:

"When the Pharisees heard how he had bested the Sadducees, they gathered their forces for an assault. One of their religion scholars spoke for them, posing a question they hoped would show him up: "Teacher, which command in God's Law is the most important?"

Jesus said, "'Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence.' This is the most important, the first on any list. But there is a second to set alongside it: 'Love others as well as you love yourself.' These two commands are pegs; everything in God's Law and the Prophets hangs from them.""
-Matthew 22:34-40

I find it ironic that the most concise summation of the entire purpose of God, Jesus, the Bible and life in general was given to the most educatied men of the day and they just huffed and puffed over if showing love was this conditional and quantifiable substance that was to be held back from 'sinners' and other bad people. As if it is too much effort for me to show sympathy towards drunks, drug addicts, sex addicts, those of other religions and learning how to forgive myself. As if I don't love others as much as I love to love myself.

This is such a struggle for me.

What do I do with this?

Fast and prayer for the Iranian's suffering. Sending emails to encourage those I've met online. Being open to wherever the call is leading. Having an invisible best friend who also happens to the creator of the Cosmos does come with a few good perks. Chief of those being faith, hope and love; love being the chief quality that ties all of these together and binds our hearts to one another.

So...another prayer for you Iran.
For the persecuted Church worldwide.
For the sex addicts, perverts rejected by both society and church.
For the woman selling her body to feed her children.
For those suffering with cancer and aids.
For us to get up off our knees.
For the need for peace.

Dear Jesus, we need this peace.


"While The Nations Rage" - Rich Mullins

"Jesus said whatever you do to the least of these my brothers you’ve done it to me. And this is what I’ve come to think. That if I want to identify fully with Jesus Christ, who I claim to be my savior and Lord, the best way that I can do that is to identify with the poor. This I know will go against the teachings of all the popular evangelical preachers. But they’re just wrong. They’re not bad, they’re just wrong. Christianity is not about building an absolutely secure little niche in the world where you can live with your perfect little wife and your perfect little children in a beautiful little house where you have no gays or minority groups anywhere near you. Christianity is about learning to love like Jesus loved and Jesus loved the poor and Jesus loved the broken."
-Rich Mullins
What a night...I wonder if I can destroy anything else before I head to bed...

"Baba O'Riley" - The Who

My worry levels just increased by tenfold.

Thank you internet, thank you very much.