Thursday, September 6, 2012

People...ARE insane.
Unfortunately this is not just a localized phenomenon...
Considering everything.
I have to smile.
"Maybe there is good to be done
where darkness abounds
we dare to hope
use love to beat evil down"
-Showbread, "Escape Planet Cancer"

Fading Away

Sometimes I wonder if it is best to remove myself from situations.
Away from certain people.
Away from certain things.

There are those I would give anything to talk to again...but communication seems to be dead.
No returned messages.
Is that the nature of life?

I hope.
I need to hope.

Things keep spinning out of sync.
I'm so sick so often and feel so lost.
I miss You.
And you.
And you beautiful Muse.

Everything is fading
the colors can glow
and even hurt too.

I want to hope.
I need to hope.
Even when I forget...
I just forget.