Saturday, August 29, 2009

Heh...I forgot there was a 'Zelda' street in Montgomery, freaking epic is that?

To my knowledge that is STILL the only good thing about that city...
I feel like such a volcano of emotion and thought is building...maybe it's confusion...maybe guilt...I just know so much of it is from missing You.

Where did You go?

I freak out at the slightest pain and could You please close the distance once again?

I'm tired of sleeping while awake and never knowing when my dreams end and You begin.
Jesus...why am I in so much pain?

Did I do something horrible? If so...just destroy me and be done with it...I'm running out of optimism here. Please be my God, be my Savior, my Love...pull me out of this personal Hell and set me on something I can stand on.

I need You.


"Deathbed" - Relient K

"I'm Lost/Nothing Matters Anymore" - Showbread

"One Down" - Ben Folds