Sunday, August 30, 2009

I hate medication and the growing need...the needs...need for it.
More fire...more colors.

My Muse

You ask me these push prod me and you test me.

You remind me of who I am in this dark night and ask me to believe...not in you or in my abilities but in the Love that created me.

You wrote my work for me, you phrased the verses and put the chorus into my heart.
How could I sing apart from thee?
Blossoming thoughts and cherishing life,
and if Lou Reed is asking I'll tell him you said hi.

Ignorance is a cover for truth
and words are not wisdom alone.
Altruisms lace my lips
like a cheap poison,
come what may be in this trip
alike we are chosen to love.

I'm asking for truth from above,
words of solace
to illuminate this soul
to feel love replace
and fill this God shaped hole
and light this dark alcove.

I'm praying for the peace to settle on us,
for you, for me and the rest of these children.
Where will your words come from next?
It always feels like this next moment,
this crushing doubt will be the last.
Unstructured as time
and just as fleeting.

You do know,
do you not?
The thoughts, the hope
and the dependency that has grown.

I'm still a child
but then so are you.
Love teaching us,
Love keeping us,
Love correcting us
and filling us to overflowing.
Good time today...just the pain is keeping me up...again.