Thursday, August 20, 2009

The more I learn about people...the more sad I become.

Are there no happy endings? How much longer can any of this go on before it all ultimately just collapses?



I feel so tried, so alone, almost depressed and I'm in so much freaking pain.
Interesting blog on atheism:
I have to wonder what I did to anger Jesus so much that I now have to spend time around...'him'.


Movies I Need to See Again Soon:
-Lost in Translation
-Over the Hedge
-The Stand
-Blade Runner
-Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
-Kill Bill
-Groundhog Day
-V for Vendetta
-Little Miss Sunshine

Movies I Need to Just See:
-Inglorious Bastards
-The Shawshank Redemption
-The Prestige
-Quantum of Solace
-The Curious Case of Benjamin Burton

Movies I Need to See That I Am Ashamed to Say I Forgot to List the First Time:
-Pulp Fiction (12 times is never enough)
Irregardless we're here.
Now here and where to?
It's not like we could have anticipated
but we are here
without a rest.
"If I'm the person that you think I am
Clueless chump you seem to think I am
So easily led astray,
An errant dog who occasionally escapes and needs a shorter leash, then
Why the fuck would you want me back?

Maybe it's because
You don't know me at all"

-Ben Folds, "You Don't Know Me"

"Narcolepsy" - Ben Folds