Wednesday, July 8, 2009

"Recall" - Brave Saint Saturn

It was all about acceleration
All for notoriety
All about the destination
Driven by my own abilities
Rocket shuttered screamed and then fell away
Lift this juggernaut into the sky
Radio waves in the frozen night
Spelling "I miss you"

Like a flicker of light
In the back of my mind
And it all comes back to me
Like an overdue sunrise
It all comes back to me

There's nothing like complete exhaustion
The atrophy of complete defeat
The feeling of the world upon my shoulders
And realizing I am incomplete
Well there's a lot of freedom in failure
Of recklessness of weightless abandonment
I remember light coming through stained glass
And it reminds me

I remember Your love
Being better than life
When it all comes back to me
I will sing in the shadows
When it all comes back
When it all comes back
When it all comes back
To me

"Nothing Matters Anymore" - Showbread

Dreaming of Zion Awake...

The Matrix Online dying sucked enough...but finding this website:

Just made the process that much freaking harder.
Archives...of the glorious first few months when the story was flying left and right...ah...times I sadly missed.

Notable places:

God I'm going to miss Tabor Park, the Ike Docks, avoiding Mara C like the plague and visiting The Vault in Lamar.


Watchmen 2009 Anniversary:
Watchmen 2009

Nintene - Zombie Hunter Extraordinaire:
Ready to Take on Zombies

Nintene's brief stint as a Smithling:
Nin as a Smithling

Nin and Emoto Power!
Nin and Emoto

Nin and Emoto busting up bots:
Nin and Emoto Thrashing Bots

Fedora Power!
Fedora Power!

It takes this many Red Pills to kill one ninja...
Yes. That Many People for One Ninja

Emoto won!
Emoto wins!

Emoto and Dante's Wedding:
Dante and Emoto's Wedding

After wedding party with an Agent killing a Cypherite in the background:
After Wedding Party


The Future...

Surprise! Another Sony roadblock!
Another SOE Road Block...

Looking to the...
Looking to the Future...