Saturday, December 7, 2013

To clarify I hate relationships and the falseness inherit...and the people they are with,
I hate people.

Friday, December 6, 2013


Letting go of you hurts so bad I feel like I may die.

Considering I almost died and you were more concerned about YOU...fuck you.

If this pain means I am never weak enough to be deluded into thinking I need a horrible person like you around...any pain is worth being rid of you.

Monday, December 2, 2013


To say I don't fit in is anunder statement. Far as back as I can recall I have been this...thing.

Cannot call it living or dead...just some barely hanging on and broken garbadge.

Is it true?

I suppose it doesn't matter because if you tell a person something, anything really, for a long enough then they believe it.

Post Scripts in the Breeze

Far from being back open for business I just felt a need to post that, for the time being at least, I am still alive.

Regrettably so, but no use crying over spilled milk or my inability to just die, nay?  

It feels as if I have continued to falter and sputter beyond what was supposed to have been my expiration date five years...or maybe it was ten...sometimes I think all twenty seven years were a mistake that has yet to be put right...

And I still live.

If you call having lost the jobs, place in school, relationships, the respect and dignity that I used to help barely give myself meaning with.

A half or even a tenth of a life pretending up be whole is something. By all rights and means no one is stopping me from  making new life and purposes...except for that pesky person called Myself.

I cannot decide how this will end yet.

If it will go on or just end abruptly and violently.

I keep getting reminded about how much I matter and how much I am loved...but I do not and have yet to find a reason from within to live. 

I am healthy just enough to know I am sick.
I keep trying to get help and establish some means of stability but quality of life will ever be possible when I have such insane impulses and thoughts?

I will either get stronger or eventually this will crush me one way or the other.

I know Truth.
It has just not been real to me for a while...not a loss of faith but  a loss of perspective and ability to consistently feel these weird things people talk, love, compassion, friendship, companionship.

One moment I am numb beyond expression and then everything flow back in sub loud and vivid tones it causes me to scream in pain.

There are a number of people who care.

Some who will even read this.

I have no idea what I am supposed to say, feel, act or do. I can barely hold together and pretend I am human in the most basic of ways.

Friday, October 11, 2013




Monday, September 30, 2013

Lost Moments in the Hereafter

Time and time again.
Circles turning,
clock churning
and ticking
moment by moment

Breath by breath
the second hand passes
and we wait.
Time by time
inching closer to death
we all wait
hoping for that which never changes.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Soul Full of Strange

Life is, so strange.
So excessively weird.
Extraordinary strange.
Over the moon.
Barking mad.

This growing by numbers at a day is so slow and yet so fast at the same time.
If one does not pay close attention everything slips through like sand through fingers.
Is this life?
Is this moment life?
This passing and fleeting second?
Sincerely and seriously?

 Moving so slow.
In location change, in health, in school, in work and life.
Breathing pains.
What am I willing to give up so I can be free?
What am I willing to embrace so I can be free?
What pains?
What joys?
What burdens must I burn?
What plastic hopes need I trash?

Monday, September 23, 2013 strange.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Well that was a long time to have a broken laptop and no real way to post.

Hi world.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Oh goody.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

On Birthdays

So I survived another year.
What an odd number.

That's seven numbers higher than I can safely count on my digits.

What am I supposed to use?
An abacus?

Twenty-seven years.
That's a lot of days.
A huge number of hours.
A stupid amount of minutes.
I'm not even sure if the number of seconds can actually be that long but geez.

I'm still here.

Struggles with physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health...and I am still here.

Battered, graying hair, confused about where the bruise on my shin came from and wondering how life came to be so beautiful while I was busy being so worried, so lost in deep thought.

If you would have asked me ten years ago where I would be now it would have not have involved the word "Saraland" or the fact this place has become an unexpected second home involving a host of strange characters of whom I am not entirely sure of which are real and which are merely figments of my far too over active imagination.

Of course I tease.

I am fully aware of who is and who is not a highly interactive hallucination; it's just infinitely more fun to put on a show for the crowd.

And so time passes on just as it has for as long as it has and will continue to do so until matter itself finds a good stopping point.

Beauty, horror, love, hate, rain, sunshine, perfection, sin, creativity, dullness and the record player will keep playing music for as long as God finds a need to keep this utterly bizarre human condition going.

All I can do is observe from my front row seats as time flows by second by second and I wonder at what will happen next.

Life is a bit like the weather in Alabama; if you don't like it wait about five minutes and it will change. Conversely, you can always cross the road to get out of the rain; unless of course you are like me and feel alive when the rain is falling from the heavens, droplets pressing against your skin and  setting your soul on fire with the whispers of God's promises of Love and Grace.

"Time" - Pink Floyd

Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way.
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way.

Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain.
You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today.
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you.
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun.

So you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again.
The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older,
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death.

Every year is getting shorter never seem to find the time.
Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way
The time is gone, the song is over,
Thought I'd something more to say.

And so the night goes on...

In ways it feels like I missed my birthday.
Certainly sleeping fifteen hours on that day doesn't help.
I was running a fever yet  again.

I am still occasionally having a fever but thankfully my throat is cleared out and I can more or less breath and talk without excruciating pain.

Instead I'm staring at a white screen and typing in symbols instead of staring at the ceiling.

I'm listening to Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" for the third time today.

That album has really grown on me.

Time is passing by.

I feel such a need to withdraw.

And at the same time this need to engage.

Two warring factions within myself.

Back and forth, back and forth.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Need sleep.
Please sleep?

No sleep.


Stupid body.


Saturday, July 6, 2013

A Life of Arrested Development

I suppose one might call my life one of arrested development.
I'm about to leave my mid twenties and be in my late twenties.
Yet I am afraid.
Deeply afraid.
Such palatable pain and fear.
To such a point I often do not know what to do.
So I hurt.
And react.
So I hide.
I fight to break free.
For what?

Does this make sense?
Did I choose such a path?
Was I given a choice?

And yet here I am.


Do you see the sun rise?
Such pale distant piercings of faint light?

Some call my God a dream.
Falsehoods built over fears.
Yet Love won me.
Divine Lover wooing me with passion.
Washing me with Love and Grace.
Impossible concepts.
Impossible ideas.
Things I could never grasp.

But arrested and stunted in emotional growth I might be in,
I still hope.

From here.
To you.
From me.

Sunday, June 30, 2013


Last day of June.

Year has flown by.


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Distance in Thoughts

Riding these thoughts like waves...I'm here.
Am I going through life or just falling through time and managing to hit every step along the way?

The more I think the harder it is to write.
The thoughts become a whirlwind.
I lose my step.
The sand becomes swept into a vortex of endless possibilities.

I see but I am blind.
I hear but I am deaf.
I touch but I cannot feel.
I am alive but I am not here.

Distance becomes reality as I exist.
Time flows.
The age unwinds as planets spiral around stars spinning.

Monday, June 10, 2013

To the future.
No more regrets.
No more tears.
A brave step forward.
To the unknown.
And to the impossible becoming possible.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Another Late Night Musing

Seemingly the worse I feel the more productive I become.
It's not as if I have this sudden foreboding dread that I will die and leave so much unfinished (I'm planning on leaving a massive inbox of things to take care of after said death anyway) but perhaps it is this need to keep my mind occupied.
Pain, be it physical or mental, is persistent. 
It occupies.
It drains.
So just a little bit can sometimes be made better by working, being creative, finding something...someplace....somewhere to find simple joys.
Twelve hours at the gameshop, with a mixture of tournament Magic play, running the counter and sorting.
I'm not sure what 'average' people do on their weekends but it's not at a gameshop and I feel sad for them. Especially for that Christian minority who refuse to frequent anyplace that is 'un-christian'...which is a silly notion in and of itself.
Point being, there is therapy and relief in finding somewhere besides this room I live in and my mind which can become a prison in and of itself. I've spent hundreds of hours sick and stuck both in this bed and inside of my mind.
The more I find reasons to go out, to meet people, to see people, to help  people and love them...the less reasons I find to just stay here and victimize myself further with isolation.
Strange how illness repeats. the song does say "hope still flies"

Friday, May 24, 2013

The longing.
The loneliness.
The sense of loss.

I think those are the things which hurt the most.

Great Frustration

Yeah I’m stressed out.
Nothing new there I suppose.

…it’s a bit irritating when 2/3rds of your best friends are out of their respective countries on trips and are unable to talk.
And other 1/3rd is uncertain what to say mixed with very busy.
And…I’m also in alot of pain.
Oh well…

An ever increasing annoying thing is the thing…which is the thing…and the other thing…
Knowing what you want.
Knowing what you need.
But feeling as though vocalizing it negates the point of people even doing anything… presumably if they know and love me they know what I need.
Despite their lack of psychic abilities.