Friday, November 6, 2009

On Tacos

No sleep coupled with pain...leads to a rather irrational state of mind.
I most certainly hope I do not have to sign any important legal documents today.
At this point I think I would sign over all my earthly possessions for a taco.
It wouldn't even have to be a good taco.
I just want a taco.
Is that too much to ask for?

Tacos are awesome.
So much more reliable than about...well I haven't done the math but it is a large number, like...the majority of the people I know.
Tacos are dependable because they are so tasty.
They are always hand held.
They smell like heaven...or you know at least like fried beef and/or chicken.

They make me smile.
They don't make you feel inferior.
If they could give hugs I'm sure they would, so they would be incredibly tasty hugs.
Putting sauce on them only increases their awesome powers.

So you know...tacos are actually perfect.
If I had to choose between best friends or tacos, the tacos would win.
If I had to choose between marriage and a family or a better believe I would shove the people out the door and enjoy my freaking taco!

Nothing is better.
Tacos, tacos, tacos.

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