Thursday, October 22, 2009


What is it with me and wanting to rush in and help people the second it seems they are in any trouble whatsoever?

I'm just...going to fade away on this.

I'm not wanted or needed...I'm just not sure which of those two are the more important qualifiers.

I would say in case of an know how to get me...but that is precisely the problem I think. I am just a 'go to' guy when things get rough or go bad...not that I don't mind...seriously. Ministry is a thankless task...but I hate thinking of my friends as just being 'clientele' or something.

Like...when I move...I was thinking of having a small going away party...but it's just going to be like graduation night back in high school...or sitting in my room smiling all sort of sad because I can't get ahold of anyone and no included me in any of the plans.

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