Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Because time is still flowing in a linear fashion...hrmm... seems my sense of humor is getting increasingly darker...

Normally I would have found that upsetting. is absolutely hilarious.

I might be a tad unhealthy...however if I can treat things like that as being so inconsequential that I can laugh...I might just make it a bit longer.

And be able to help someone in the process.
Well something happened at least.
More awkward procedures to come. tired and achey.
Oh wells.

Could be worse.
Much, much, much worse.
Thankfully it is not.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Here goes the hope that this will not be a visit in vain...a waste of gas...hope, hope, hope.

Monday, September 20, 2010

"And this is not my face
And this is not my life
And there is not a single thing here
I can recognize
This is all a dream
And none of you are real
I'll give anything
I'll give anything

Hey you
What you running from?
All your hate
What you've become
Bet you didn't think
It would happen to you
All used up
Half way through

And this is not my face
And this is not my life
And there is not a single thing here
I can recognize
This is all a dream
And none of you are real
I'll give anything
I'll give anything"

Medical Mystery Fun

For those who keep up with me and my life I tend to be sick.
Quite a lot.

Last month I had some out of the blue stomach issues that turned out to be a rather nasty infection in my GI track by the name of Diverticulitis. Because of the nature of this infection it is very possible that this on again/off again disease could have been what has plagued me sense my disastrous mission trip to China back in 2006.

I have an appointment at the Kirkland Clinic at UAB in the morning at 8:40 and hopefully, hopefully this will lead to some actual progress and a real permanent solution to where I am not sick about three fourths of the time.

Thank you all for your prayers, concern, encouragement, words of wisdom, random jokes, posts...and all the general zaniness I have come to except from this group of crazy and amazing people that make up my family and friends.

I'll do my best to update everyone when I find out what is going on.
Thank you again.

Quote of the Day:

"Hermits United. We meet up every ten years. Swap stories about caves. It's good fun... for a hermit."
-The Doctor
The thing is...even with how excruciating the pain I am being swept up into a sea of nausea...and pain, such pain...I know this isn't the end.

I have to keep going.
I am supposed to meet someone...there appears to be more.
This is just a layover...because I have to do more to help.

I have only scratched the surface.
I have so much more to many more people to meet...maybe I can help, do something good or nice for once...

I have to try.
I don't know if there will be anyone to do it...if I don't try.
I think my brain just exploded from the sheer awesomeness of Dr.Who.
I believe the term "meh" comes to mind...such silliness...

Words aren't really even worth the effort at this point.

Several levels of severe and eye piercing irony I suppose.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

I swear if I hear someone use the term "epic" or "legendary" or...or...anything of that nature...again...I think I am going to snap and start throwing books at them.

World of Warcraft, I have you to blame for the cultural saturation of those terms.

Curse you and your lack of roleplaying servers that are actually roleplaying. strange to see...and know...and...


Not sure why I bothered with that trail of thoughts...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Quote of the Day:

"Let's think the unthinkable, let's do the undoable, let's prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all."
-Douglas Adams
Have I ever mentioned how much I hate being nauseated?

I have?

Was just checking.
Maybe things with my health will finally be under control after next's either going to be a super increase of medication and more antibiotics...or they will just chop off the parts of me that are infected on the inside.

Not sure which one I want more...I just know I would like normality, to be able to talk without loosing my breath from sleep more than an hour or so at a time...maybe even just be able to break out and run full speed again.

I mean...things could no doubt be much worse...I am lucky that I only have to deal with physical pain and nausea...God knows if this was a type of cancer or flesh eating disease what I would be dealing with.

Instead it is a pain disorder mixed with an infection.

Still...can't help but be concerned...I really want to finish this semester and be healthier...maybe there will be a means and a way to do both...maybe...hopefully, hopefully.

So much ickness...I really, really, really hope I will be getting off of medications one way or another...I am already afraid I'm going to have severe issues with sleep again once this is all said and done.

At least I'm not addicted to anything or am in a position where I "have" to have pain medication...sure it would be nice to be able to skip around without excruciating pain...but where would the fun be in that?

I do believe the appropriate Princess Bride quote is "Life is pain princess! Anyone who says different is selling you something."

I figure I drag Jesus' name through the mud enough that there isn't much a need to actually try and overly associate him with this blog and my mad ravings...but it's like...with this pain...I think it is a chance to surrender and just make one step at a time...because I really have no other choice.

But really...I haven't been crawling as much as being dragged and eventually carried because of everything...everything...
What is that thing...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Quote of the Day:

"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect... but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly... timey-wimey... stuff."
-The Doctor

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sometimes I feel stupid.
Quite stupid actually.

Hmm...strange, strange, strange...

Psalm 135

"Your name, O Lord, endures forever;
your fame, O Lord, is known to every generation.
For the Lord will give justice to his people
and have compassion on his servants."
-Psalm 135:13-14

Justice, such an interesting choice of words.
Justice...grace, this bizarre mix...we don't get what we deserve and never could deserve what we are given.

I'm afraid of...decisions, choices...the past...the future...

I just...need this love and compassion...because I am so tired.
So sick.
So worn down.

Can I just lay here...lay as your grace falls upon my soul?
Rain this love down on me...overfill my heart so that love pours through the breaks and cracks...overwhelming my situation...
There is something moderately disturbing about how listening to Nine Inch Nails while studying the Bible flows together so easily.


Quote of the Day:

"Writing fiction, especially a long work of fiction, can be a difficult, lonely job; it's like crossing the Atlantic Ocean in a bathtub. There's plenty of opportunity for self doubt."
-Stephen King

Droplets of Grace

Blissful anticipation.
Hope beyond hope.
Love beyond love.


Stretched through time
and finding reality
in this space.

So many miles,
so many days.

Do you recall what it was like
to feel the sand
and water
just passing under your toes?

Feeling hunger,
tasting the smells in the air
and longings
of heat and comfort.

How strong is the irony
of the only human
to ever live life fully
was creator
and a paradox
of being two things at once?

Lamb and Lion,
strong and careful,
divine and man.

How could this ever be?
It is too much to hope
to dare to dream
but oh how I have dreamed such dreams!

Carry me,
for I'm too weak to walk
or crawl.
Jesus Christ,
great is my need
and how shallow my faith.
Grant me grace to continue this run
just please
help me be faithful
and hold the course till the end.

The sun with rise and fall
and time will fade into the aether
as mountains slide into the sea
and love wipes away every tear.

Painful, beautiful pain
coating this anticipation
and need of grace.

One day we shall walk
and be beside each other again,
where the sun never dies
and the sea stretches
out like perfect glass
and all of this,
and cancer of the soul
will cease to be.
We can hold hands
and walk there
and be together.


just that redundant cliche
speaking volumes
in such silly sentiments.
nothing but headaches
while I listen
passive and tired.

is not something I ever considered
nor did I realize
how much of it is this disease
festering and growing
in the soul.

I am finding myself with no words
and just generic moans and sighs.
Listen to the reverb
just talk from cowards
not living life
as much as just playing around.

life isn't just your little gem
or your claim to fame
and the beautiful irony
is that I am just the same.
Every morning we look in the mirror
and just see each other
never knowing we were soul mates.

cursed of methodology
and genes bringing us together
for every battle
and every fight
that ends with so much blood
spreading across this room.

Nothing, nothing
or is it just
nothing something?
Take time to decorate your room
eternity is a long time
to be cut off from life
just to say you won.

just maybe
we'll find a place in the middle
and enough time we can call ample,
just maybe
it'll all make sense.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
