God I am so sick to death of sexuality.
For once I would just like to browse the web, talk to friends, maybe even turn on the stupid TV and not have half naked images shoved down my throat. Believe it or not there are actually guys who do not enjoy seeing lingerie whenever they try to just check their email or watch a TV show.
I want this left up to the imagination.
I don't want this crap shoved down my throat.
Sexuality scares me.
I don't look at women and see their shapes and curves as something to grope and leer at...I see their souls as being something scared and beautiful...something to love and protect.
I don't want this tarnished crap in my mind...it is hard enough to live and try to keep lust out of my heart...I believe Jesus is serious in Matthew 5:27-30:
""You know the next commandment pretty well, too: 'Don't go to bed with another's spouse.' But don't think you've preserved your virtue simply by staying out of bed. Your heart can be corrupted by lust even quicker than your body. Those leering looks you think nobody notices—they also corrupt.
"Let's not pretend this is easier than it really is. If you want to live a morally pure life, here's what you have to do: You have to blind your right eye the moment you catch it in a lustful leer. You have to choose to live one-eyed or else be dumped on a moral trash pile. And you have to chop off your right hand the moment you notice it raised threateningly. Better a bloody stump than your entire being discarded for good in the dump.""
I think Jesus is serious when he compares lust to adultery, if you can't control your mind it is the same as the actual act. Every sin starts in the heart...and it is not like I am trying to somehow be this self righteous jerk who doesn't lust or feel sexual desire or want...but I just want control of it.
I can't stand being around a lot of guys because of the 'guy talk' and acting as though women are just objects. That makes me so angry because it is like they cannot even have the basic respect for another human being.
Porn is so repulsive to me because it is just two bodies throwing themselves at each other just to 'entertain' and do nothing more than be empty and meaningless sex. What sort of sad life does it take for someone to actual go beyond looking at to DESIRING that?
I don't want it.
I want a pure heart.
I want to learn to love and have the darkness purged from my heart.
I want to maintain innocence in my mind and not have this oppressive darkness screaming about sex, sexuality or what I should do with my body.
It pisses me off so much that my sisters have to deal with this absolute crap that they are somehow not perfect because they are held up these pictures and videos. Who in the name of the depths of Hell would actually WANT a woman so shallow and needy that the only thing she can do is the same physical action over and over to cover up her empty heart and mind?
God...that sounds so judgmental and that is NOT how I mean for it to be.
It's not my place to judge another human's life or tell them that God doesn't love them or they are somehow insufficient.
I just see people throwing themselves at each other with no regard for the consequences...for the ripping of the soul...I don't want that. I want love, pure love...I either want it whole and pure as God designed it to be or I just want to be alone and by myself.
I do not and refuse this compromise of my soul just to please a person.
I want to be close to Jesus more than I ever want to make another person happy. There is no way I am ever going to get someone to understand this...I do not know how to explain how and why Jesus has had this effect on me...
It is the closest I have ever come to true encompassing head over heels and burning love that makes me sick to my stomach from how much passion I feel. My soul shiver, it longs...it aches...it NEEDS to be with my Love. I hate all these trite expressions in Christianity because it feels like they are cheapening it and trying to reduce my love into this paltry and pathetic bumper sticker...just like porn tries to turn women into these sex symbols.
Am I the only one who just gets sick in their stomach over this?
I want the sort of good tension that comes from balance in life...the tension of knowing that doing the right thing hurts like Hell but it is the right thing. I want that more than I could ever want a relationship of any sort...
Does that make sense?
Would it kill people to email me and tell me they feel that urgency?
That irreplaceable love that humans can't touch?
I just want...I need Jesus.
I hate this distance between Him and I.
He bridged the gap of eternity with the cross and His blood.
But what now?
I want Love.
I want my Lover to carry me Home from this diseased world.
I will freely admit I'm a mercenary, a coward.
I would rather flee from this life then stay and suffer like my Christ.
If I am to be here...give me strength.
Help me withstand temptation.
Burn within me, burn away this weakness and inferior flesh.
There is nothing more I want.
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