Saturday, October 24, 2009

Silent Moonlight

I don't know when we'll see
I don't know when we can meet again
I don't know when the music will start
just so we can slow dance once more.

I just know the loneliness of silence
ringing in a house
that never could be a home
as I wait for insight
that might never come.

Sparks of light flicker through the air
as moonlight dies as clouds pass by
and there is no song
no music to free
nothing to remind of why we came to be.

I'm not asking for blood
and I'm not giving my angst
I just want to know
if all this worth it.
If the pain, the tears
and dull ache
are setting you free.
I need to know
if my sacrifice
will give you clearance
and freedom to fly.

I bite my tongue,
not to hold back venom
but to set you free
to give you wings
and blessings from above
as I ache to understand
just where
just how
if any of this matters.
With or without any
any of these cares
or matters or dreams
I bid you well
and a good night.

I retire to my cave
the dwelling I made
and know not what to hope for.
A return of status quo
or for redemption.
I falter in breath
and in sight.

All that I know,
is I wish simply to go Home.

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