Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Okay...seriously...this new development about the internship...if this is just a jest then you know how upset I will be.

"and when the trumpets call us home and i am no longer bedded by pain
our tears will be forever dried for the author of life knows my name
so we trample the hoards of the pointless and blank
we will die for the truth in our hearts
no force that exists will steal us from his hands
nothing will tear us apart

though the mirror is dull, the reflection obscured we look beyond the obtuse
and the world weighs down, beating us to the ground
but her efforts are of little use
the annointed one has purchased our souls death is battered and lifeless before me
the truth rains down for the children of Christ and the truth has set us free
and through it all we rise when we fall
though the road grows more narrow before me
though we ache though we cry never break, never die
the one truth there is sets us free"

...I just don't have words to express my exuberant and obsessive love for You...You make EVERYTHING...so pale...so seemingly pointless by comparison...help me out here...please...please...

Show me this step to take and I will take it.

Regardless of the pain or what I have to give up.

Nothing is too much if is what You want and will bring glory to You.

Teach me patience and humility through my pain...make me who You know I can be...just be with me, let our spirits entwine and be One...once again...

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