Saturday, February 21, 2009

Undertones Softly Spoken



I don't even know what to say.

It's hard waking up,
it's harder getting up.

Facing life isn't what it used to be,
you don't have assurance
you don't get second chances.

It feels a clutter,
it fee;s weak and loose.
I don't even have words for tonight.

I keep loosing ground with every sigh,
I keep loosing myself forgoing foresight.

I want to breath again,
I want to remember life,
I want to breath deep
and take in forgotten air.

I've got nothing but you
and you say you've got naught but me.
I don't know numbers
and won't pretend to understand
when all I've got is my hurt.

I can't pretend to walk
when I can't stand.
I won't pretend to understand
when all I do is doubt.

The only thing I begin to feel certain about
is how uncertain you make me feel tonight
and every night of every day.
It's not a dance nor an embrace.
I'm empty and you're all I've got
and it's not enough.
Not enough for today or tomorrow
or the shadows stretching out past your face.

Just can we try,
try to put the past behind for tonight,
just letting love run free.

Beyond my self, beyond my fear
and doubt of your real existence,
can we just be here
and be here tonight?

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