Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Oh goodness...here we go again...might as well cue up the White Snake...

I find it absolutely hilarious that my leg pain from doing such absurd amounts of biking is making it so I don't feel my stomach pain as much.


Take that nerve cells!

May you continue to be overloaded as long as it needs to be!

Bright Light of the Day Article


Grace, Tonight

Jesus, Jesus
the world is hurting
and it is falling
coming apart at the seams
faster then it can be held.

Jesus, Jesus
I can't pretend to understand
the why, the how and what is to come
I just know it hurts to see,
it hurts to feel and God it hurts to be.

We have our digital selves,
our reflectance to commit
and so much we hide in.
We will delve
into our selfish sin
not caring,
not hearing
or feeling
or knowing
or caring of truth.

You, You have seen the horror
the show we have made of human life.
The millions of dead bodies
left naked and desecrated
their souls long gone
to be by Your side.
You've held the hand
of the child being raped
and the mother forced to watch
You saw Sarajevo in flames.

You see our nakedness
and you feel such rage
like the insufficient flame
in my degraded heart
and yet
You have held back.

You whisper that word
that phrase unknown
to our lips,
You see the pain
the tear streaked faces
and You feel the pain
as You hold us.

Dear Jesus I won't understand
I can't.

I just want to be held
while the world is inflamed
strikes by our madness
and know You,
yes You will once again
save this day
only in the way
that the Infinite Love can.

Grace, from my lips
it feels like a cheap sovereign
hawked for cash.
It feels like every televangelist
that pointed the finger
while taking the cash for a trick.

Grace, it feels so cheap.
But it is so painfully real.

Grace, it is pulling my heart.
Grace, it is everything I'm not.
Grace, it is knowing I know not.
Grace, You're giving me the hope to hope.
Grace, I'm bleeding free and laying here
not knowing, just knowing I'm waiting on You.

Grace it is giving me hope
that this Love,
this fragile thing,
will not be killed by our man made Hell
but that Love can win
hope can endure this hellish night.

That Love will carry us
past the Western Sea

"Peace on Earth" - U2

Horrifying Newsbyte


I post this for people to please pray for everyone involved...I don't have words that can express the outrage, sadness and pain I feel from reading this.

"Jesus can you take the time
To throw a drowning man a line
Peace on Earth
To tell the ones who hear no sound
Whose sons are living in the ground
Peace on Earth
Jesus sing a song you wrote
The words are sticking in my throat
Peace on Earth
Hear it every Christmas time
But hope and history won't rhyme
So what's it worth
This peace on Earth "
-U2, 'Peace on Earth'
"What if this whole crusade's
A charade
And behind it all there's a price to be paid
For the blood
On which we dine
Justified in the name of the holy and the divine?"

list of random cool words

-existential quandaries
-philosophical tangents

ummm...maybe more to come...

"No One Like You" - The David Crowder Band

So much for sleep...just doesn't seem like it is coming anytime soon...

"My Alibi" - Blindside

I would just like to slow dance.
Have this waltz across eternity.
Safe, saved in Your arms.
Just I, want to feel You close,
hear your heart beating
and knowing the love
will be complete.
I'll check that as being several points in my favor.

Monday, September 28, 2009

My poor laptop is all but dead and now I think my desktop is deciding to die...is this a sign from up above?

And last but not least...I did fifteen miles on the bikes.

I am dead.
It saddens me when the nicest thing I can think about someone is the hope that they get mauled by a pack of rabid badgers.
That work in progress actually looks kinda creepy...I mean that in a good way of course.
It's the kind of amazing that reaches out to say hello and goodnight.
It is quiet.

Too quiet.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Ah...sleep...I missed you.
Where did you go tonight?
Jesus...I think you must be smiling and laughing at how ridiculous this all is...thank you for silly music, for being able to laugh at myself and this eccentric cat that I keep getting into a meowing contest with.

Earlier tonight was so nice...I can't remmeber laughing so hard it hurt for a while...thanks for taking me by the hand and pulling me through...life is meant to be...like this...even with the bad.

I should...sleep...but...
There is just something inherently wrong with reading the Bible while listening to AC/DC's 'Highway to Hell'...>_>

All the same I'm still giggling. ^_^

Had Dr.Pepper for the first time in a week...ah beloved caffeine how I live to love thee...
I just realized my mother gave me a bottle of juice earlier tonight, that I drunk, which expired nearly six months ago. -_-

Saturday, September 26, 2009

After a request to post some of the music I worked on back in school...I am horrified at how terrible some of it is.

I forgotten how bad I suck.

Luckily there are a few tracks I may upload to youtube...but there are some incredibly painful moments because some of these had to be done in just one take...and some of the backing vocals are ear bleeding bad.

Although...I must say I'm happy with the bass...my only area of real concern at the end of the day. ^_^

U2 - 'Pop' album download


There you go.

Sorry I kept forgetting to put the link up.

Like I mentioned the other day you will REALLY want to get the actual album soon (none of that sissy Itunes download crap) because of the actual album and CD design...how it sort of homes in on the whole Pop art theme...which when you contrast with the actual content of the music you get this wall of deliberate irony working on several levels that I happen to find really mind blowing.

Some call it pretension but I call it mad genius.

The whole crux of their 90's material was the idea of information overload and with the albums 'Achtung Baby' and 'Zooropa' and the resulting tour managed to do just that...while breaking away from the whole mold of being the vagabond religious on a pilgrimage and became more of an onstage caricature of the message in the music.

Plus I love the use of Dada in the album art work of 'Achtung Baby'.

I'll never have enough money or time to get all the degrees or take all the classes I want to...but I want to take a few more Art History classes...it help makes much more sense out of life and culture.

Okay I'll curtail my U2 fanboyism before I make some retch.


But I still hold to the opinion that not liking U2 means not having taste...oh snap...yes.




