Monday, July 18, 2011

Evidently whatever that doesn't kill me, or cause me to spontaneously combust, may make me stronger.

Or just weaker until I have a group of my Mitochondria team up and cause me to blow up like in "Parasite Eve".

Plus side, I won't need a night light for reading while it goes on.

Although being burned and sort of a dead husk might put a damper on the plans for getting a doctorate.

But being know as 'Professor Explosion' or 'Doctor X-OMG-FDHAX-WTF?!? Explosions!' just has so much potential.

...although getting it to fit on the name tag will prove problematic...
What is it with me and being sick?
I don't know how many days...or really months I have spent in bed.
At least I am in the Continental United States.
And not in a completely foreign bed.
Yay for pit packs, damp cloths, orange Gatorade and being able to just breath.

Even though I do not know how I got here...I'm grateful to have made it.

I can't wait to see a return it...and brighten that day.
Chills and a fever!


Sunday, July 17, 2011

The fact God not only loves but chases after us silly people...such an impossible and improbable miracle...that only grows more beautiful by the day.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Day Three of the Migraine

Perhaps the most annoying thing of all is I can't find refuge in sleep.

The plus that despite how frustrating and confusing things are with life, school, the universe...well everything...I am silly enough to still have hope.

A cynical hope that is tempered with my sardonic humor...but hope that goes from here through the depths of eternity...that if my God, my Jesus, loves me then He can and does love all.

It just gets a bit complicated from there.

Blue and Orange Morality

I can't really sit in smug judgement.
But the more I learn about some people...and most importantly how little regard they treat others...I find nothing more disgusting.

That someone would go out of their way to use...lead and draw others on...I am not sure there is a worst evil than exploiting a vulnerable person...

God help them.
And God help me to not become a smug hypocrite that will do this and spread hatred.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Yay for migraines lasting twelve hours and still counting!


Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Amazing 14 foot long scarf.
Family, friends...well friends that are family...and love.

Impossible beauty in this painful life.

Beautiful meaning of words that are played out in life.
Things I could never be.
Things I could never see.

Acceptance and want of me.
So silly.
But warm socks.

Such great, wonderful and beautiful things.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I am not sure what it looks like...but there is always hope.
Not for every cause.
Not for every reason.
Not for every flutter of my heart.

But a steady, living, pulsing hope that this broken physical shell is not the end.
Just the beginning of so much.
So very much.

Monday, July 4, 2011

It still disturbs me to no end that The Nostalgia Chick looks exactly like a girl that I had a crush on for such a long time.


Saturday, July 2, 2011

It is so strange to writing so much.
A block.
Ridiculous emotional sentiments that are unwanted.

Concerning myself with things that have no concern, no meaning, no sense of anything to do with me...and yet, I include myself...

So strange.
More than ever I just feel like a stranger looking out from the eyes of a body, of a soul, of a person who isn't me...

I ask...I wonder...

Is this my smile?
Is that my voice speaking?
Are these my hands that shake from pain and stress?

Being alive, having life itself is a miracle...
But I am not other, dare I say.
I don't look at women as cattle.
Things to own, brand, use, consume and destroy.
Life has meaning.
All life.
Even when I am confused and hurting.

Which is why I must pray.
Not to try and move God.
But that maybe, finally, I can be moved out of this vacuum, this void of pain.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hmm more frustrations.
With a side of hopefulness.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

"What shall we use
To fill the empty spaces
Where we used to talk?
How shall I fill
The final places?
How should I complete the wall...?"
God I hate cynicism.
It's a cancer eating at me.
Ripping at my soul.
Reminding me of being human.

If I could just judge and write off people...I could be as selfrighteous as I wanted.
God look at me.
Do you see your son?
The pain and misery around me?
Just a glimpse of it all?

I'm having trouble caring or keeping focus,
when all I do is want it to end.
To have the pain finish
and conclude.
I have more words...too many words.
Wasted words.
Exhausted words.
Bloodies, bruised and battered words.

Words that make me ask...why, how and what for?
So much pain, so much pointlessness.
And THAT is why I hate humans.
All of it, every last one, can't stand the toxic, disgusting and degenerating smell of the rot...the lies, the betraying...the stabbing at the first opportune moment...

But the beauty of Christ...carrying so much pain, the anguish and sins...

I am not perfect.
I cannot love.
But God can love.
Can love even through one as broken as I.

That is a miracle beyond words.

Friday, June 24, 2011

"Postherpetic neuralgia is thought to be nerve damage caused by herpes zoster (shingles). The damage causes nerves in the affected dermatomic area of the skin to send abnormal electrical signals to the brain. These signals may convey excruciating pain, and may persist or recur for months, years or until death."

Well my outlook on life certainly is sky high at this point. v_v
After a decade...a literal decade, I just figured out how to import music into RPG Maker XP.

Surely apotheosis is but a few steps away.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


So much, so little going on...

I should focus on healing...but I can't help but be worried...not to excuse's hard to trust God knows what He is doing.

As silly as it sounds.

I never want to let go because letting go requires faith and believing that I do not know everything or can fix everything...
But needed.
Letting go...being free...

Friday, June 17, 2011

I'm so freaking awesome that I do not have one...but TWO kidneys full of stones.

If I was anymore awesome I would spontaneously combust.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

So much freaking has a purpose...but seriously...threshold.


Monday, June 13, 2011

Note to self:

Adjust all of the ringtones so that instead of having a sooth melody that causes one to fall asleep, make the noise blaring and loud in order to not miss important phone calls.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Distance but Not Always Seeing

Eternity is a ship out of port
but it's a pathway stretching two ways,
from here until there
but why can I not see You today?

I'm holding my breath,
having anticipation
and anxiety
with such splendid pains
that keep me building towers,
all that I can look
with the hope
that You,
You may cross my line of vision
and I can let go
falling deeper in love with You.

Whispers of a long lost Muse
and nerve endings
digging in with fire burning claws,
screaming for a healing kiss
and a touch of peace,
but we live in a world of constant war,
pain and strife are dime a dozen
with sorrow on the sleeve.

I believe as I doubt,
hand in hands
holding tight as I run,
from here until eternity,
stretched out in pain
but hoping.

Fear and malady
as I let go
falling fast and free,
the wind in my hair
as I blow a kiss
with not a care
or ability to miss
whatever this life was supposed to be.

Instead it's in this moment
where I look and wander,
here...there...the key unlocks
and all this overflows.
This whole never ending chronic pain thing is simply becoming exasperating.

All the joints, and I mean all the blasted things, are hurting right now.

Wrists, fingers, knees, elbows,'s not a joint but my freaking neck/head.

I am wanting to laugh my head off.

I am in so much pain that I honest to God would cry tears of joy for a shot of morphine...but I am laughing with tears because of how absurd it is for a twenty-four year old male with little "logical" reason for being in so much pain.

Jesus is utterly cracked and I am with Him on that notion.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Dim Echoes, Fading Lights

Not all memories are painful...but some are...

The one's I have lost.

Some to age, some to death...some far too young...and yet others beyond what I could have hoped...

...others to circumstances, distance and time...

I still think of you.
Pray for you...even though conversation seem to no longer be possible...
I have hope that we can speak one day.
Even if it's after this Age has passed.

I can wait.
Waiting is what I'm good at.
When the echoes of time fade...
...and all of the sparks grown dim.
When life as we have known is no more
and everything is healed
brought to life
and restored to its proper place.

just maybe
you and I,
may walk beside the crystal sea.
Converse and feel the endless warmth
of eternal Love
and being healed.