Friday, March 9, 2012

Hope Still Flies

Somehow I always forget to update this thing...and the time keeps flying along.
I've taken a ton of photos which I am in the process of getting back from TW (had to use her camera since mine went bust).
Outside of photography my writing over the past year has been rather difficult.

My health problems have gotten to the point where I'm having trouble keeping up with work/rent and I tend to be far too frustrated to write.
If I'm not completely medicated out of my mind on medication then I will sometimes spend time with, traversing the neighborhood, playing Metal Gear Solid 3, talking about silly absurd things...really she has been such a joy to be around despite my health being shot to Hell.

I have been writing scraps of poems, outlines for essays, started a work document for my oft talked about but never completed RPG using RPG Maker XP...there is this, that, everything, something,, pain, hope, fear...all the elements of a life I am trying to reclaim and make some measure of sense with.

I can safely say that no matter the dark, the pain or seemingly impossible the situation is...there is hope, and that hope still flies.

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