Saturday, September 4, 2010

Psalm 124

"What if the Lord had not been on our side?
Let all Israel repeat:
What if the Lord had not been on our side
when people attacked us?
They would have swallowed us alive
in their burning anger.
The waters would have engulfed us;
a torrent would have overwhelmed us.
Yes, the raging waters of their fury
would have overwhelmed our very lives.

Praise the Lord,
who did not let their teeth tear us apart!
We escaped like a bird from a hunter’s trap.
The trap is broken, and we are free!
Our help is from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth."
-Psalm 124:1-8

It is nice to breath.
To have a cup of tea.
I am alive.
Here for the moment and soon to be gone.
Beauty that lasts from moment to moment,
hope that will live on beyond the fragile.

This personality, this soul
the need to feel and breath
leap and bound
from moment to moment
will stretch from now until forever
eternally laid out before Love
in such unknowable
vivid tones and colors.

Here now,
gone and soon.
But beauty while it lasts
as it evolves
and becomes more than it would have been
in any other form or sense.

Thank you for loving me in spite of my insanity and faulty ways...of carrying me when I'm too tired to do anything except be in pain...thank you for loving me as me...loving me enough to never leave me just as I am...but wanting me to improve, to grow and transform into who I can be.

So much I know so little I do know
but I do know love
feel it so vividly
even when I hurt
and in the ache
and longing for you.

Eternal longings,
just to blend from now
into you
soul and soul entwined
and forever together
never to be gone again.

Hope beyond hope.
Such beauty
such need.

Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.

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