Saturday, July 31, 2010

Psalm 91

" The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me.
I will protect those who trust in my name.
When they call on me, I will answer;
I will be with them in trouble.
I will rescue and honor them.
I will reward them with a long life
and give them my salvation.”"
-Psalm 91:14-16

To love is to trust, to begin to trust is to open my soul, heart and mind to you further...throughout your word and in my life you have spoken to me and made promises; promises to love me and never reject me, promises that you have plans for me, promises that you will never leave or forsake me...and my faith is still so very small so often.

Thank you so much for not basing your love on any of my performances, for treating me like I treat you...for you are so very faithful when all I can think to do is sulk, cry, get angry, throw fits...but you, you are so loving, you have carried me and love me so very much.

I want to start organizing my life and getting things in order for being an adult so I can responsible with the the time, money, relationships and the Love you have entrusted to me. I want to be faithful, faithful like your Son was even to the point of a horrible death on a cross for my sins.

Please help me to learn how to be faithful in the small things today, I can become the godly man you need me to be...that she needs me to be...the one you envisioned me being when you called my name when I was nine and fourteen.

I feel this joy in my heart that is exploding.
I love you, I love you so much.
Every day I learn to love you more.
Oh how I adore your name.
You who called me out of the grave,
gave me a purpose and a new name.
You have made us sons and daughters,
coheirs of the most high.
Blessed are you sweet Lamb of God
who was slain from the foundation of the world
in order to bring salvation to the saints.
May we praise you with clean lips
and hearts that have been broken,
may we praise you day and night
in the highest mountains of light
and in the darkest valleys of frightful night.

You alone are God
and you alone are worthy of praise.
Thank you Abba,
thank you for letting us call you Daddy.

Overflow us with your Holy Spirit
so that we might feel and love again.
Shatter these hearts of iron and stone
so that we may never be deaf to the pain of sin.

Thank you.
Thank you.

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