Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Insufficient Praise

Jesus...I'm not sure if it's the pain screaming through my body...or the bit of conversation I just had...but thank you.

You just...I think I finally got the point You have been trying to get me to understand for a while.

...am I always this hard headed and silly?
You made a strong point.
To react negatively would...nullify the point.
I am having trouble keeping myself from being violently ill...the migraine is excruciating...my spine is singing out in dissonance...my heart is baffled...but oh my soul?

Will You promise...it will rejoice this much...if not more so when our eyes meet for the first time? When we embrace? Oh Lover..my Love...my sweet, sweet Love...can You promise to intoxicate my soul like this with every moment of prayer, every embrace and every time we brush against each other?

I just need You...please...please let the inferior slip away...marriage makes sense...to be able to teach others to see You...with such passion and intimacy...that the love for each other points TOWARD this...I don't need that silly trapping.

Just please...let me fall down this rabbit hole even further...let me drink of this grace...let me feel it burn my insides as it fills me with warmth.
Teach me...love me...oh never let me remain the same...thank you for grace...for the cross...for so much love oh Lover...oh thank You.

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