Thursday, January 7, 2010

I hate being so melancholy...things could be going perfect and I will hit a depressed slump when I get perspective and see how bad things can be.

I'm just so tired much and so many things...

It's an exhaustion of trying to carry too body can't handle the stress. I just cannot cope with the stress so the best thing I can do is simply not.

I hate having a heart with emotions and feelings...I almost would rather be a mindless robot than have to deal with all of this...complicated crap.

I wish it could all just be more of more...

Ultimately...everything is going to fade, all these things will end, all the relationships will be cut and everything will die...and I'll be alone again.

I'm tired of feelings, loosing energy and myself to other people for exchange for...nothing in most cases.

Nothing is the problem...nothing in absolute terms and in full that will be complete with the cycle and circles of time and sand and every thing else that will be that will be under this sun.

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