Sunday, November 29, 2009

Base Elemental

feeling and falling.
So many half formed lies
reaching out
to devour sanity
and rearticulate
just what it means to be human.

Frost in the frozen grass cuts
and makes moving out of this place
just more and more difficult
and I'm so sick
of this all being made
and defined
simply by your whims.

There is some logic
some sort of
meaning to be found
but the more I hear
the less I believe
and the more I carry
the harder it is to live today.

I'm ready for it all to catch flame
and burn away.
The temporal burned to its base elements
and so I can see
and be gleeful
and know,
just know
how false
and how pretentious
this facade always was.

I want to know the villian behind the curtain
and see how human evil is,
to see the unseen shadows of my soul
and know the one I'm afraid
is the image on the wall,
the silvery glass
that only shows the lies we show it
and then I can begin to know,
just know how little I know
and start to realize
I am lost.

And what it means
to be stripped down
and have my soul
be freed from this
frozen burden.

I want to know what it is like
to see my soul cut open
and have the bare elements,
the base of who I am
just float to the top.

Every second apart
is killing me
and I loose touch with life
while wanting
to dream
and loose this discord.
While I want to close my eyes
and leave behind strife,
the lies of every commercial
and I want to loose this all.

Loose everything
and sink back into Your arms.

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