Tuesday, October 13, 2009

For those in need of some good reading material...

As a general rule I don't like playing the role of marketing lackey but I felt the need to write about these two books:

I."Jesus Loves You...This I Know" - Craig Gross

Ah, xxxChurch.com, one of the few ministries I can honestly endorse by saying they are making a positive impact in the world. As one can simply tell from their name they are not shy when it comes to controversy and instead of taking the stereotypical evangelical approach of picket lines they take a more direct approach: they go to porn conventions and hand out Bibles and t-shirts that say "Jesus loves porn stars" and recently they moved their ministry headquarters to Las Vegas and do regular ministry to the brothels, strip clubs and on the Vegas strip itself.

The latest book that the leader and cofounder of the ministry is called "Jesus Loves You..." and although i have only read the first chapter of it, it is amazing. Plus they are offering a really awesome deal where you get several free books if you order the new one today:


The book itself is an attempt to cut through the ideas of using love as a commodity and tool in the church and instead apply love to everyone and in every situation. Legalism can only get religion in a person, Christianity is more than a series of rules about how we interact with God and one another.

Jesus is the thesis of Christianity. That Love and the personal relationship is what give a contextual meaning to the Old Testament and the Law of Moses. It's that love which changes lives, including my own.

II."A Million Miles in a Thousand Years" - Donald Miller

Mr.Donald Miller.
What can I say?
Anything this man writes is pure literary gold and he is one part of my Three Favorite Awesome Contemporary Christian Writers Who Regularly Melt My Mind (included in that list is Anne Lamott and Rob Bell). His best selling book is the well known"Blue Like Jazz" and is one of my favorite books.

His latest literary offering is about story and it's impact in how we live our lives. It sounds like a corny self help but seriously, this is one of the BEST books I have read this year and would highly recommend it to everyone else that is going through a 'What the heck do I do with my life existential like crisis'.

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