Monday, October 19, 2009

Expectation and hope are so very nice...but I think I need to go ahead and give them up and sell the extras I have kept in storage. The recession is hitting everyone hard so I'm sure I can find a buyer on ebay.

Cynicism, bitterness and self betrayal are so much easier to maintain because all one has to do is stagnate long enough and the world because the enemy.

Maybe that is the Church's problem. We're so good at sitting on our hands that we have nothing better to do than play games of who is more holy than whom.

Ultimately the problem is me, I'm not on the front lines in Africa or China doing mission I don't have the right to point the finger. Heck, I won't even part with clothes or food to give to those who are freezing and starving to death.

Child of God I may be...but...I flaunt it too much for someone who doesn't realize what that means anymore.

"It's not if I believe in love
but if love believes in me."

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