Thursday, September 3, 2009

Resonating Reasoning

It is moments of introspection...when I can pause for deep inward focus reflection that I just have to question what it is I've been doing all these many years it feels like.

Not that everything is bad mind you...I just feel so tightly wound up that I don't even know what is going on.

Then I stop to take a breath and realize how ridiculous life is, how improbable it is that any of us should even be here, remember how far I've managed to come and just have to be thankful I'm still alive.

There is no other moment than the now...unless of course you subscribe to quantum physics and in that case every moment exists simultaneously...and side by side in the ever increasingly bizarre expanding universe we have.

That's nice to breath.

I have no idea about why I do some of the stupid stuff I do...but for now it is just enough to be loved and to cherish this breath of oxygen.

I might even brave eating a little food.

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