Wednesday, September 9, 2009

'Dark Tower' Rant

This isn't looking good.

Mr.King is starting to scare me here.

All of the deaths so far have been meaningless. Unless he is planning to do some kind of massive twist he just wasted his MAIN villain...over nothing. The villain that has been in over a dozen of his books and the main antagonist of the hero was random happenstance...I'm confused.

On top of that...he spent an the fourth developing Roland's two childhood friends who obviously died before the main story started...and he doesn't even cover their deaths. Just happened to mention them in passing during a flash back about the battle of Jericho Hill...I was pleasantly surprised Sheemie was brought back...but seriously...I'm starting to get bitter over the fourth book being an entire flash back. My memories of Jacksonville is waiting a lot, eating doughnuts and wondering why the book had to be 95% flash back, 2% of a reference to 'The Stand' and 3% of a reference to 'The Wizard of Oz'...I'm guessing I missed something.

And the painful foreshadowing about members of the ka-tet dying...I honestly just wish he would leave some suspence...I'm already about ninety five percent sure my favorite character is going to what I assume is going to be an unfulfilling and cheap death.

And what is up with the Crimson King suddenly becoming this 'tragic' character at the last minute? "Oh no poor guy has been locked in the tower and is going crazy..." Oh I'm so confused...

The plus side is I've enjoyed Mr.King including himself as a minor character in the books...that was an unexpected but pleasant twist. And the Harry Potter reference...the 'snitch' grenade made me giggle.

Oh well...I'm reading this slower than the other books...we'll see what happens...

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