Friday, August 28, 2009

Red and Green

I see such vivid layers of frustration.
Why must thing be so?
It's not like this or that
it's just really us.
Or is it me pretending to be you
while I pretend to just be me?

It's not like ever really knew,
knew what we were getting into.
Life started flying
Life started falling
and everything we had
is everything we got.

I wish things could be simple,
that I could just shut up
and be quiet long enough
for You to be happy.
It's like every utterance
just brings us back to this place.
A vivid visual trap
that could close so casually.

Why does it have to feel so shallow?
It's like everything I fought for
was this casual careless parade.
Painted red like the gallows,
there is no open door
and no charming voice to dissuade.
It's just us, us standing here
and wondering what might be next.

I feel it burning in me,
so deep and long.
I can't drink to quench the burning
and it's just another long night.
Everything I open my eyes
I want them shut
just so I don't have to see You.

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