Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Midnight Music With Dance

It's not an issue of's an issue of the feelings of being rocked and buffeted by time. The times of sand swirling around my feet and making a picture perfect reflection of everything I miss and regret.

It is something know when you are lost.
I can't pretend to be something I'm not.
Things are falling in place...becoming something else.

The night is dark, the lights are dimmed.
It's just the two of us here and whoever else that is looking in.
Is this infinite really here and out there?
Did You speak and allow the rose of love to flourish and blossom?

I hate being in this darkness...could You move closer?
I feel the music moving through me...seconds ticking past.
The sands moving faster in rhythm.
I don't care about music or writing right now.
All of this is dying.
Like a tooth ache they just make me long to forget.
Would it be possible to live apart from my ego?

Wrap Your hand around my heart,
keep it warm.
Keep the blood pumping
just so I can feel.
The night is late
but I'm not ready to depart.
I'm not praying to transform
but to sooth this aching
that I might heal.
And maybe to lessen how great
this divide is between us.

It is impossible to run from everything
but hope yet lives.

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