Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Numerous Tangets...

I keep having these really vivid dreams...I just woke up was me being back at's hard to phrase everything because it is really so silly...and I don't like looking utterly ridiculous...even on here...I can only be myself to so much of a degree before I start feeling so...exo-outside of this skin and body...and the dream was vivid enough and incorporated a few dozen people I knew from back Mobile and high school.

I'm not sure dreams mean anything other then the fact they are random neurological impulses firing through the brain...and trying to make sense of a human is impossible as track the quantum mechanics that govern the sub atomic particles and their little dances through the infinite void of which matter consists of.

Well make sense of them in the sense that I'm tired of being in this isolation, this exile of such.

The more time a person spends outside of REAL community the more dehumanized they become...the less they are capable of their true purpose and of becoming who they are. Whether we like it or not we need other people to realize who we are...oddity that it is.

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