Saturday, February 28, 2009

On Circles of Time...

I keep typing out these words
attempting to explain what they meet
forgetting the point is moot
because you already know.

You've seen the story of my heart
and the ways of my life,
seen these stones rolled away
and seen hearts bleed out love in their ways.

There could never be enough words,
never be enough ways
and never enough time
to just give you everything
that you deserve.
Give you all the words
to explain your finite beauty
which burns from the infinite gift
you have been given
which I can see,
just with one look in your eyes.

Thankfully time isn't just this one way line,
a symmetrical system we can grasp.
If eternity is infinity
then we can be complete, be one
even if that doesn't mean the present time.
Or tomorrow.
But it does mean now and forever.

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