Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ghetto Zorro Thoughts

Basic Time Line

Pre-2004 - Because of huge debt and an inability to get sufficient donations to fund the expansion programs, the University of Mobile agrees to house experimental power generators in their soon to be built new dorms. These new generators run off of an unknown element suspected to be extraterrestrial.

Fall 2004 - All major players in the Ghetto Zorro Universe attend the University of Mobile as Freshmen. Most important of notice is that the one day heroes known as Ghetto Zorro and Urban Ninja Boy meet each other for the first time, as well as their soon to be mortal foes Darth Zader, Pickpocket Luigi and Emperor Santa (who exists in multiple forms). The only ones to know each other before this time are Andrew and Josh who are to become terrors not only on campus but on a universal scale.

Spring 2005 - By this time all of the main players of the soon to come events know each other and have became friends that regularly spend time together.

March 3rd, 2005 - The time of the emergency alarm begins.

At approximately 3:00 AM on this morning the monitoring alarms for the Power Generators begin to go off causing confusion and chaos in the dorms. Although these are written off as being nothing more than false fire alarms more sinister intentions lay behind closed doors.

March through May - Numerous incidents involving the warning alarms for the generators go off before being eventually removed, the reasoning being that whatever the students do not know will never hurt them.

Fall 2005 - Due to seemingly random events all of Matt's former roommates leave school and Jon and himself become roommates.

-Because of increased budget cuts, the power to the school from outside sources is frequently cut off at inconvenient hours. To a certain degree the experimental generators are able to supplement sufficient power prompting the administration to green light other secretive projects on campus.

...one day the secret experimental generators that had been installed in Samford hall begin to go awry, in big ways.

November 13th 2005

2:05 PM
-Matt and Jon are in their room doing their respective homework when a horrible noise of metal screeching is heard. Everyone on their floor stick their head out their doors but see nothing. Assuming everything is normal they head back but then the entire foundation of the dorm is rocked by an explosion.

Random sections of the dorm are consumed by flames, others simply evaporate from the explosion, still others 'phase' out of existence, simply ceasing to exist.

2:10 PM
-Jon crawls out from beneath his desk feeling disoriented but otherwise fine. Calling out to his friend Matt he turns and is shocked to find that the side of the room inhabited by his roommate had simply dissipated, he could look down and see the second floor room beneath what had been Matt's half of the room.

2:11 PM

Matt awakens to find himself in an ethereal plane of existence, he is simply floating amongst sections of his room and odd parts of Samford Dorm in a seemingly endless void.

2:14 PM

Josh carries his badly injured roommate Andrew from the rubble of their room and Andrew is immediately taken by the swarms of officials and security that were surrounding the disaster area. Josh is left standing there, baffled by the lack of medical personal that seemed to be there. Without warning he collapses and falls into a coma he will not come out of for days.

2:15 PM

Jon had begun his climb out of the wreckage of the third floor using multiple strands of Christmas lights as improvised rope. proximately half way down he plummets the remaining twenty feet and lands in a perfect crouch incurring no damage and surprising himself. Brushing himself off he quickly joins in the hunt for his friends and other survivors, hoping his roommate was to be found.


Josh and Andrew along with others injured in the explosion are taken to recently built medical facilities that exist in what were former storage areas in Weaver Hall.

2:35 PM

By this time camera crews from various television stations have gathered. Both school and government officials write the explosion off as being nothing more than an unfortunate gas line that was ignited by a series of improbable events. Being caught up in the human drama unfolding before them, be it friends finding friends, families finding loves ones and all mourning the loss, no further questioning over the situation occurs.


By this time Andrew has begun to be fitted with a special survival suit that includes a body temperature regulator, breathing apparatus and vital signs monitor. Due to the similarity to the iconic villain he is dubbed by the medical personal as being 'Darth Zader'.

Josh is under monitor by those in control of the facilities and every few minutes he seems to seize up and every function of his body freezes. It is later suspected that somehow his body was still interacting with the space time disturbances at the dorm and each 'seize' was the creation of an exact clone of himself.

These clones would be mostly harmless and get themselves killed in seemingly inexplicable ways except for one who would declare himself Emperor Santa and attempt to cause the world to become eternally froze. Always winter but never Christmas.


Matt was still in the void and although he had not begun to fully understand where he was a sense of understanding had begun to fill him.

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