Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'm here right now.

Where are we going to go together?

I know the bad that is going to happen because there is so much fear inside of me.

It is sort of hypocritical of me, I know. Depression, the desire to die and not wanting to live...and yet still I feel absolute terror over the thought of being put in danger again.

I haven't been able to sleep well or function. I randomly have the shakes and just am not sure how long I can live like this before I pop.

The dawn is quickly coming this way, lighting up in bright shades of gray.

I long for a better place and better time but I'm afraid my fear will compel me to stay here to long and I will die.

Just stay here please, do not let me go because the hour is late and I don't know what to do or what will happen.


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