Monday, June 16, 2008

Another day of pain in my gut and in my back and neck. I'm itching on my body from using the pain killers.

I had such a vivid dream last night.

It started out with me being back at the University of Mobile, in Samford Hall. I was in the lobby but things had changed in the dorm. It was much bigger, with more rooms and more halls.

Thomas was there. He was his brusque self as always.

We hung around and eventually about four other piled into our dorm room, saying they wee staying there as well. It was crowded but not uncomfortably so.

At some point I was on the first floor, then things turned to Harry Potter. Death Eaters came, I assume I somehow became Harry Potter because I saw Ginny Weasley and Hermione Granger.

I am very tired, very sleepy, very pained and need sleep.

...and my Ginny Weasley as well.

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