Monday, December 3, 2007

This makes me seriously question the justice system in the US,2933,312018,00.html,1,2129665.story?page=1&coll=la-headlines-nation&ctrack=1&cset=true

Bottom line that case illustrates one of the biggest problems in the US. People flaunt their right to free speech and then act all surprised when people expect them to be responsible for what they say or do. Freedom does not, nor will it ever mean someone can do whatever they please.

To sum up:

1.People need to learn the idea of responsibility for their actions. What kind of parent would make a fake Myspace profile and then proceed to deliberately torment a child with a history of depression?

2.The mother who made the fake profile has not even made any attempts at an apology. What kind of a mind job is this woman?

3.I know there are details I don't know and no one should know but bottom line this is one of the most sickening and disgusting things I have heard in a long time.

4.Doesn't this kind of sickness just SCREAM what the Bible says about humans being naturally bent towards destruction? My God, I just want to throw up from reading all of this.

My Solution:
1.Unrealistic - I think it would be rather appropriate if all the jerks that were in on this spent about twenty years or so in jail, or heck maybe a month or two...or maybe we should slap a small fine on them on the least as opposed to just letting people that helped contribute to an innocent girl's suicide get off free...
2.Realistic - Nothing will ever happen. I can't condone vigilante justice but it is nice to see I'm not the only human being whose sensibilities were disturbed by this garbage. I assume more political correct garbage will come running and screaming to this woman's defense and will also cause me to loose even more faith in humanity.

At what point are people going to start taking responsibility for what they do? The more this goes unchecked the more of a spoiled brat complex this country will have and eventually I think I may actually be welcoming whatever plague or act of God that wipes out humanity.

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