Thursday, November 1, 2007

Leaving on a metaphorical jet plane...

"At midnight tonight the train departs.
Fifty thousand words.
Thirty-one days.
An unforgettable ride."

For those who have known me for any amount of time they know I love to read and I most certainly love to write. In about a half hour or so I am embarking on a harrowing mission that is absolutely insane. I will be joining approximately ninety thousandother brave souls in the journey of writing a fifty thousand word novel in the month of November.

Crazy? Yes.
Insane? Better believe it.
Bad idea? Oh brother is it.
Any looking back? Not on your life.

If my post earlier today didn't get people wondering about my current mental state it is safe to say I am throwing the baby and the bathwater out at the same time. I would go on with more metaphors but I am sure you get the point.

Friends and random people that I have no clue how you ended up on my friends list; wish me well and good luck because I will need it. As much as I love using the phrase "I will do this or die trying" I am quite serious. All or nothing. I've wanted to write for years and finally I will see what happens when I try.

Feel free to harass me and check up on me as much as needed. As progress goes I will be posting more. Until then, hasta la escribir!

P.S. For those interested the website for National Novel Writing Month is:

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Here We Go

More writings, hooray.

As you can no doubt guess I am simply ecstatic over having yet another website to voice my thoughts. At some point I will get to philosophical ranting but right now I am to tired and wish I had time for a nap. Yes, naps are good. Very good.
