Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Memories following translucent thoughts
that make their own path
to where my heart
is conveniently located on my sleeve.

Reality isn't quite what I thought it would be
but life is so much more beautiful
than I could have hoped to have seen.

Broken words,
shattered promises
occupy these twisted lanes
that lead me to life
and the light
at the foot of Your cross.

There is life returning
to these broken limbs
and shattered bones,
I am beginning to feel alive
as I wait and pray.

I want to feel this hope
and refuse to be victimized
by my senselessness
and hopeless disregard.

Beautiful hope.
You are still alive.

Psalm 33

"For the word of the Lord holds true,
and we can trust everything he does.
He loves whatever is just and good;
the unfailing love of the Lord fills the earth."
-Psalm 33:1-2

Such two loaded words that I am unsure about.
You need both for the either to exist.

I mention so often about how I desperately want to be faithful...but faithful to whom? About what?
Why is it so easy for my heart to be swayed and distracted from You?

I love.
I want to care.

What is it going to take for me to be faithful?
For me to trust?
What will it take for me to let go and let You be?

When there is so much Hell present in this world, so many hurting, so much ache...can you help me believe Your love is here?

I have felt it burning inside of me I know you care...I know You are here...just please help me believe. Help my stagnant and apathetic heart...break me, love me...just as You have. Reassure this flippant heart that You are You.

Thank you.
Have I said that recently?
Thank you.
For everything good and bad that has happened in my life, thank you.
Please help me to be more...of myself.
To let go and simply be.

Thank you.

Quote of the Day:

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
-Howard Thurman
I'm so out of it.
I don't know...