Monday, August 3, 2009

Musing About a Muse

Every time I see information about xxxchurch...I'm reminded of not getting the internship...but I'm also reminded of a quote from Morpheus:

"What happened, happened and could not have happened any other way."

It may not be literal life and death...but pursuing the truth...finding where I am going...should go and what should I do...vastly important...

Truth...truth...there is something about that word that gives chills to me...truth, finding where this is and where it is all leading...what this will all mean...eventually from the view of eternity.

What do you think?
I hope to bump into your words a bit more...finding truth and hope...finding certainty and love.
I feel like I fell down a flight of stairs...a good bit of pain...but I still miss you more than this and that.