Thursday, November 8, 2007

Random Character Related Post

So yes, writer's block does indeed suck. In case anyone in the audience was wondering, writer's block is the bane of my existence (along with Green Day but that is another story in and of itself).

So i think I have come up with a rather neat plot device. So I was planning to obviously have our heroes fail the mission of trying to save the world but in addition to this insult what if there really WAS a group of people destined to save the world BUT they get killed about ten minutes into the story. Horrible huh?

So here is the list of characters I have so far:

Good Guys (and Gals to not be sexiest):

-Nathan Peterson: The main protagonist of the story who starts off the story asleep and comfortable in bed. Although not an over achiever in any sense of the phrase, he is still a good and kind hearted person concerned with helping who he can. He is slightly aware of his existence of being important and that he has some sort of innate power he has only a small grasp of.

-Paul Manning: This is my Zaphod Beeblebrox esque character. Although Paul is slightly more competent and slightly less of a narcissist there are still some common character traits. Both are utterly incompetent, have the future of millions riding on their shoulders and are only useful after they have consumed vastly incomprehensible amounts of alcohol.

-"The Organization": This is a rather unoriginally named group that has existed for a long, long, long time and is charged with the responsibility of preventing a certain evil entity from being freeded and raining death upon the earth. Boring job really.

-Doug Brementon: Friend of the main character. A sort of last second addition to the story. So far he has woke the main character up and dragged him to a field to show Nathan a vision that wasn’t there. I assume Doug is going to continue to keep seeing things or may just turn out to be a villain who screws the lot of them over. Oh wait…did I just type that out loud?

-Jillian: A girl who lives in the same town as Nathan and the others. She works at a coffee shop that they like to frequent. She can blow stuff up with her mind. So far she has developed as being Nathan’s main love interest, assuming I go as far as to incorporate something as trite and overblown as romance. Who bothers to include that lovey dovey crap in stories anymore? Didn’t that die out with the Romantic period?

-Jermias: Best friend of Nathan and slightly off the wall. He has the characteristics that most best friends have. Um…he is also one who has odd powers and such and stuff.

-Emma Peterson: A character I invented while driving around today. She is the older adopted sister of the main character. They have a close friendship that borders on unbelievability. Plus, since I suck at writing female characters I’m going to save myself some trouble and just make Jillian and her friends as well. Oh yes, the easy way out!

Bad Things/people/entities:

-Maltalvos: The main villain you may not get to see very much of. He is a fallen Guardian (one of those angel like beings who were charged with protecting the various worlds) that was sealed away on earth in a stasis of sorts. He isn’t very happy about having his plans of wanton destruction interrupted and so he would be quite happy to get out.

-The Cult: So far an unnamed group that seek to free the evil guy.

-Hooded Figures: Members of the cult that wear robes with hoods. Go figure.

-Main Leader of after mentioned cult: A cheery lunatic that simply wants to motivate his followers to shoot for the metaphorical stars of absolute evil and wanton destruction. Honestly, is that really to much to ask for out of life?

Some words of advice on Windows Vista...


That is all. Thank you.