Friday, April 22, 2011

More nausea.
More chills.
I'm starting to see a reoccurring theme here...

Isaiah 8:11-13

"The Lord has given me a strong warning not to think like everyone else does. He said,

“Don’t call everything a conspiracy, like they do,
and don’t live in dread of what frightens them.
Make the Lord of Heaven’s Armies holy in your life.
He is the one you should fear.
He is the one who should make you tremble."
-Isaiah 8

So big I do not understand.
I am so finite I cannot grasp it.
Pain is real.
Love is real.
Grace is heartrending.
I only have a few answers.
None comfort me in my pain.

I pray, I cry out and wait for an answer...
Maybe none is coming.
Maybe the destruction is close at hand.
The best I can do is try to love and allow myself to be loved.

Exhausted and pain.
So much pain, confusion and confusion.
I'm not sure what matters and what does not.

However, You are bigger than all of this.
I will hold on, I will cling because I have to.
I may die without the answers but I believe this life isn't the end.

Things are so vapid and shallow...
I'm not meant for being here much longer.
Soon things will be better.
Less pain and grace to carry me there.
Sometimes I wonder why we converse...
Am I a blank wall?
Verses yet to be written?

Or is it closer to the fact I am just a sounding board...convenient for the brief time I am of use?

For I feel the seasons and tides change.

But can't sleep?


Body, you suck.
If you are going to freak out and be in pain, the least you can do is shut off for the time being and not make me have to deal with you.

The plus side is I am not longer losing my mind slowly.
You can't lose something you no longer have! ^_^
Why do I get made keeper of such horribly depressing news?

I suppose it's a blessing that people trust me enough to bring some of the horrific things in their life to me...

...but...I wish I could do more.

More than pray, more than listen...

But I'm not God.
I'm not hero.
I can't save the world.
I can just show up and do my best.
And hope, hope against hope that the right thing will happen...