Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sometimes I feel stupid.
Quite stupid actually.

Hmm...strange, strange, strange...

Psalm 135

"Your name, O Lord, endures forever;
your fame, O Lord, is known to every generation.
For the Lord will give justice to his people
and have compassion on his servants."
-Psalm 135:13-14

Justice, such an interesting choice of words.
Justice...grace, this bizarre mix...we don't get what we deserve and never could deserve what we are given.

I'm afraid of...decisions, choices...the past...the future...

I just...need this love and compassion...because I am so tired.
So sick.
So worn down.

Can I just lay here...lay as your grace falls upon my soul?
Rain this love down on me...overfill my heart so that love pours through the breaks and cracks...overwhelming my situation...
There is something moderately disturbing about how listening to Nine Inch Nails while studying the Bible flows together so easily.


Quote of the Day:

"Writing fiction, especially a long work of fiction, can be a difficult, lonely job; it's like crossing the Atlantic Ocean in a bathtub. There's plenty of opportunity for self doubt."
-Stephen King

Droplets of Grace

Blissful anticipation.
Hope beyond hope.
Love beyond love.


Stretched through time
and finding reality
in this space.

So many miles,
so many days.

Do you recall what it was like
to feel the sand
and water
just passing under your toes?

Feeling hunger,
tasting the smells in the air
and longings
of heat and comfort.

How strong is the irony
of the only human
to ever live life fully
was creator
and a paradox
of being two things at once?

Lamb and Lion,
strong and careful,
divine and man.

How could this ever be?
It is too much to hope
to dare to dream
but oh how I have dreamed such dreams!

Carry me,
for I'm too weak to walk
or crawl.
Jesus Christ,
great is my need
and how shallow my faith.
Grant me grace to continue this run
just please
help me be faithful
and hold the course till the end.

The sun with rise and fall
and time will fade into the aether
as mountains slide into the sea
and love wipes away every tear.

Painful, beautiful pain
coating this anticipation
and need of grace.

One day we shall walk
and be beside each other again,
where the sun never dies
and the sea stretches
out like perfect glass
and all of this,
and cancer of the soul
will cease to be.
We can hold hands
and walk there
and be together.


just that redundant cliche
speaking volumes
in such silly sentiments.
nothing but headaches
while I listen
passive and tired.

is not something I ever considered
nor did I realize
how much of it is this disease
festering and growing
in the soul.

I am finding myself with no words
and just generic moans and sighs.
Listen to the reverb
just talk from cowards
not living life
as much as just playing around.

life isn't just your little gem
or your claim to fame
and the beautiful irony
is that I am just the same.
Every morning we look in the mirror
and just see each other
never knowing we were soul mates.

cursed of methodology
and genes bringing us together
for every battle
and every fight
that ends with so much blood
spreading across this room.

Nothing, nothing
or is it just
nothing something?
Take time to decorate your room
eternity is a long time
to be cut off from life
just to say you won.

just maybe
we'll find a place in the middle
and enough time we can call ample,
just maybe
it'll all make sense.